200+ Lovage seeds-Non GMO-Open Pollinated-Medicinal.
$ 1.05
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Buy 2 or more packets of mix and match seeds and get a free packet of seeds.Loavge is an aromatic herb with medicinal and culinary uses that has been utilized throughout history.
This herb is nutritious, and modern research has revealed its possible use in the development of anticancer drugs.
This herb is rich in vitamin C, B complex vitamin’s and the antioxidant, quercetin. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that acts as an anti-inflammatory and is believed to help prevent heart disease.
The herb lovage is natures third best source of quercetin, after green tea and capers.
Lovage has been used as a medicinal herb for millennia and there is positive new research into its medicinal properties.
Anti-allergenic: many of the health benefits of lovage relate to its anti-inflammatory and soothing nature, and the same is true for soothing the effects of allergens.
Furthermore, lovage contains significant amounts of quercetin, which is a natural inhibitor of histamines. This will reduce the allergic response of your body, eliminating itchy eyes, runny noses, and other more serious allergic reactions.
Good for the Skin: The soothing properties of lovage also extend to the skin. When the leaves are applied directly to the skin, or a salve is made, it can be very effective for reducing the symptoms of psoriasis andacne, leading to smoother, better-looking skin.
The antioxidants found in lovage can also help to prevent wrinkles in some cases and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, improving tone and appearance.
Respiration Booster: If you are suffering from a respiratory ailment, lovage can act as an expectorant to clear out excess phlegm and mucus in your tracts.
Furthermore, eucalyptol, one of the primary soothing agents found in lovage, can reduce irritation and inflammation in the lungs, promoting more rapid healing.
Digestive Processes: The anti-inflammatory nature of lovage makes it ideal for soothing upset stomachs and returning your gastrointestinal system to a neutral state.
It can help to reduce bloating and excess gas by reducing irritation in your bowels and promoting healthy, normal movement in your colon.
Arthritis Relief: The natural anti-inflammatory nature of lovage makes it the perfect remedy for those suffering from conditions like gout, arthritis, and hemorrhoids.
f you suffer from painful inflammation anywhere in your body, consume some lovage leaves or add some lovage herb to your next dish – you might be surprised at the relief!
Kidney Health: Although the exact mechanism isn’t completely understood, lovage has been linked to improving kidney health.
Lovage acts as a strange type of diuretic, known as an aquaretic, which stimulates urination, but doesn’t lead to a loss of electrolytes.
This is a much healthier form of urination if you are trying to detoxify your body without risk of dehydration, thereby boosting the health of your kidneys.
SOWING:Transplant (recommended): Start 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost. Sow seeds thickly about 1/4" deep in flats. Transplant to individual containers when seedlings have 4 true leaves. Transplant outdoors in spring or early summer 18-24" apart in rows 3' apart.
Direct seed: Lovage may be directed seeded in the spring or in early fall for germination in the spring. Sow 1-2 seeds per inch in rows 3' apart. When 3-4" tall, thin to stand 6" apart. Lovage dies back in the winter, but comes back quickly in early spring. In the spring, it can be further thinned to stand 18-24" inches apart.
LIGHT PREFERENCE:Sun/Part Shade. Lovage grows best in full sun, but will tolerate part shade.
SOIL REQUIREMENTS:Performs best in moist, fertile soil, but will grow in most soils.
HARVEST:Harvest leaves the first year once the plants have become established. Entire branches may be cut the second year.
Will be shipped from Manhasset, New York. From store called Flower Shop Inc.
Florist and greenhouse situated in Long Island, New York. Been in business for 20 years and counting.